I am a Venture Partner with Climate Avengers, a climate tech investing group with a syndicate and rolling fund, both based on AngelList.
Climate Avengers was started by Kyle Cherrick, and with my fellow venture partner Nico Johnson, we wanted to start a podcast as a resource for the climate tech community. Podcast tag line: Can climate tech save the world while still making money? Hear from successful founders & investors who are proving it’s possible. Our working description: The world needs technological breakthroughs that preserve our planet. But nothing changes until $1 moves, and venture capital enables dollars to deploy into the most scalable solutions quickly. Join Climate Tech founder & investor, Elena Foukes, every week as she engages leaders in the climate tech ecosystem. Together, we seek to demystify the world of climate tech venture capital and unlock gigatons of carbon reduction and resource sustainability. We are an angel investment group which deploys capital to climate solutions, generating personal returns and making the world a better place. Climate Avengers is here to find & fund these breakthroughs. |